28. A large number of inscriptions of this dynasty have been copied during
the year, representing almost all the kings from Parāntaka I to RājēndraChōḷa III and furnishing some interesting details about their reigns.
Of the kings merely calling themselves Rājakēsarivarman or Parakēsarivar-
man, there are a few epigraphs No. 158 from Turaiyūr in the Trichinopoly district
dated in the 5th year of Rājakēsarivarman seems to be attributable to Gaṇdarāditya. It refers to the reclamation of some land which had lain covered up with sand
since the 18th year of Periya-Uḍaiyār by whom is evidently meant the king’s father
and predecessor Parāntaka I because of the high regnal year of the king. The
money for this appears to have been obtained from one Vāttalai-Kūḍaluḍaiyān
Vēḷan Gaṇavadi who had been made to pay for a twilight lamp in the
temple in expiation of his sin of having killed Āchchan Śūrri, the headman
of Kiḷinallūr. NO 163 which comes from Tiruvorriyūr and which is dated
in the 6th year of Rājakēsarivarman has to be assigned to either Gaṇḍarāditya
or Sundara-Chōḷa, preferably to the latter whose record dated in
the 17th year has been found at Chintāmaṇi, a village close by (No. 18 of 1933-34).
It cannot belong to the earlier Rājakēsari Āditya I, as he had not overrun
Toṇḍai-maṇḍalam so early as his 6th year. This record registers an endowment
made for feeding in the temple a Brahman well-versed in the Vēdas after the
mid-day offerings to the deity.
29. Among the records of Parakēsarivarman without any distinguishing
name is No. 446 from Paḷḷīchchandal near Jambai in the South Arcot district. It
is incised in rather early characters and is
dated in the 21st year and probably belongs
to Parāntaka I. It records a gift of land, after its reclamation, as ērippaṭṭi for the
maintenance of a tank belonging to the Nāṭṭār-perumbaḷḷi at Vāḷaiyūr in
Vāṇagōppāḍi by a certain Śakkan Vayiri. It is not known to which Jaina
temple in the locality the name Nāṭṭār-perumbaḷḷi refers. About a mile from the
place where the inscription is found is a Jaina shrine now completely in ruins
known as the Śainiyamman (Jainiyamman)-kōyil. Amidst its debris is lying a
mutilated stone image of a Tīrthaṅkara and close to the old structure is
set up slab with an inscription of the Vijayanagara king Achyutarāya (No. 449),