The Indian Analyst

Government of India




The Government of the Indian Union constitutes of four pillars - Legislature, Executive, Judiciary & The Fourth Estate.

  • The Legislature, called the Parliament, consists of two houses - the House of Elders (Rajya Sabha) and the House of the People (Lok Sabha).  The Lok Sabha consists of 552 members chosen by direct election from territorial constituents: 530 members from States, 20 members from Union Territories, and 2 Presidential nominees from the Anglo-Indian community.  The Rajya Sabha shall consist of not more than 238 elected representatives of States and Union Territories and 12 Presidential nominees.  

  • The Executive, comprises of the President of India, the Vice-President, and a Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister.  President of India is the Executive Head of State and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.  The President is a figure-head of the Republic. The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President, and the other Ministers shall be appointed by the President, on the advice of the Prime Minister.  The Ministers shall hold office during the pleasure of the President.

  • The Judiciary, has the Supreme Court of India as the Apex Court of the country and High Courts in the States.  The Chief Justice of India, Chief Justices of High Courts and other judges are appointed by the President of India.  The President shall also appoint an Attorney General (with responsibility to advise the Government of India on legal matters) as well as a Comptroller & Auditor General (with responsibility to exercise a general control over the accounts of the Union and State Governments).

  • The Fourth Estate, has the several independent elements that help in maintaining the vibrancy of the Indian democracy.  These include the Election Commission, Press, Electronic Media, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Semi-Governmental Organizations (like Securities Exchange Board of India - SEBI, Telecom Regulatory Authority - TRAI, National Human Rights Commission - NHRC, National Commission for Minorities - NCM, etc.), and other organizations with independent mandates.

Administrative & General

Central Government
Foreign Affairs
Indian Railways
Judiciary Powers
New Delhi
Non-Resident Indians (NRIs)
Panchayati Raj
Power, Electricity Generation
Review of the Constitution
Science & Technology
Space Technology

Contemporary Issues

AIDS in India
Balco Disinvestment
Bonded Labor
Child Labor
Democracy in India
Election Results
Health Issues
Human Rights
IP Rights
Nuclear Power
Water Management

Defense & Security

Defense Issues
Defense Scandal
J&K Cease Fire of Year 2000
J&K Human Rights Violations
Kargil War
Terrorism in J&K


Economic Issues
Economic Reforms
Foreign Direct Investment
Sustainable Development


Environmental Conservation
Forest Management
Narmada Dam
Natural Disaster

Foreign Relations

Indo-Pak Relations
Indo-Russian Relations
Indo-Sino Relations
Indo-US Relations
Shimla Agreement



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