The Indian Analyst

South Indian Inscriptions






Topographical Index

Text of the Inscriptions 

1 to 25

26 to 50

51 to 75

76 to 100

101 to 125

126 to 150

151 to 175

176 to 200

201 to 225

226 to 250

251 to 275

276 to 300

301 to 325

326 to 335

Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India





No. 176.

(A. R. No. 379 of 1904.)

Kalamalla, Kamalapuram Taluk, Cuddapah District.

On a slab set up at the left side of the entrance of Chennakesava temple.

Sadasiva, 1550 A.D.

The record is dated Saka 1472, Sadharana, Pushya ba. 6, Monday regularly corresponding to 1550 A.D., December 29, ’35.

This incomplete inscription registers a gift to god Chennakesava of Kalumala by Changalamarri Paruvatayya, son of Vipravinodi Vallabhayya. The details of the gift are lost.

No. 177.

(A. R. No. 438 of 1923.)

Virapuram, Rayadrug Taluk, Bellary District.

On a slab set up before the Hanuman temple. Sadasiva, 1550 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1472, Sadharan corresponding to 1550 A.D., the other details being lost.

The record is incomplete and stops after mentioning the name of the king.

No. 178.

(A. R. No. 373 of 1926.)

Tangeda, Palnad Taluk, Guntur District.

On a slab built into the wall in front of the Hanuman temple near the fort-gate in the village. Sadasiva, 1551 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1474 (current), Virodhikrit, Ashadha su. 15, Thursday, corresponding to 1551 A.D., June 18.

It records the exemption of the taxes such as jatipannu, asivechcham, atapannu, etc., on the barber community of Tangeda as well as Tangeda-sima, made by Dalavayi Vengala-nayaka on the orders of Mahamandalesvaa Ramaraju Ramayyadeva-Maharaju at the request of the barbers Kondoju and Timmoju.


No. 179.

(A. R. No. 349 of 1905.)

Peddamudiyam, Jammalamadugu Taluk, Cuddapah District.

On a slab built into the wall in the courtyard of the Virabhadresvara temple.

Sadasiva, 1551 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1473, Virodhikrit, Sravana ba. 8, Sunday, Krishnajayanti, corresponding to 1551 A.D., July 26, ’12.

It records a gift of income derived from the taxes such as jumju, narasam, motupalak, etc., payable to the viramushtis by the Tammala and other communities of the village Brahmalamudiyyam alias Trilochanapuram, to god Somesvara of the same place, by China-Basuvaya, son of Viramushti Bumaya of Ghanagiri. The village is said to be in Renati-sima, a subdivision of Ghandikota-rajya.

No. 180.

(A. R. No. 310 of 1926.)

Maravapalli-Agraharam, Dharmavaram Taluk, Anantapur District.

On a stone set up in front of the ruined temple of Tiruvenkatanatha.

Sadasiva, 1551 A.D.

This is dated Saka 147[3], Virodhikrit, Kartika, corresponding to 1551 A.D.

The inscription is very much damaged. Mentions Narasarajayyadeva Maharaju, son of Mahamandalesvara Chinna Timmarajayyadeva Maharaju, and seems to refer to a sarvamanya gift.

No. 181.

(A. R. No. 61 of 1915.)

Chinna Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District.

On the west wall of the Narasimhasvamin shrine in the Narasimhasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1552 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1474 (current), Virodhikrit, Pushya su. 7, Sunday, corresponding to 1552 A.D. January 3.

It registers the endowment of the village Gurijepalli in Dupati-sima as a poliyutu-grama to the temple treasury by Kondayadeva-Maharaju, son of Mahamandalesvara Ramaraja-konetiraju who sold the village for 500 varahas for the maintenance of a feeding house (Ramanuja-kutam) at Diguva-Tirupati. The donor belonged to the Atreya-gotra, Apastamba-sutra, and Yajus-sakha and claimed his descent from the lunar race. He held Dupati-sima as nayankara conferred on him by the king.

No. 182.

(A. R. No. 682 of 1917.)

Yerragudi, Koilkuntla Taluk, Kurnool District.

On a pillar of the mukhamandapa in the Venugopalasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1552 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1474, Paridhavin, Vaisakha su. 11, corresponding to 1552 A.D., May 4, (Wednesday).

It registers the grant of their vartana collected from the mahajanas of Yaragudi by the vipravinodins Parvvatayya, Anantayya and Nallarayya, sons of Vallabhayya and grand-sons of Mallayya of Kasypa-gotra, Apastamba-sutra andSukla-Yajus-sakha and born in the Gobburikonda-kula, to the god Gopinatha of the place for conducting panakalu-seva during the festivals in the month of Vaisakha, for the merit of the community.

No. 183.

(A. R. No. 167 of 1905.)

Markapur, Markapur Taluk, Kurnool District.

On a slab set up near the platform in front o the Chennakesavasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1552 A.D.

This is dated in Saka 1475 (current), Paridhavin, Jyeshtha 12. It is not clear from the record whether the paksha was suddha or bahula. The year and the month respectively corresponded to 1552 A.D. and June. The date cannot be verified for want of the other details.

The inscription is damaged and seems to record a remission of the tax akula-mantrayam on the betel leaf growers of Marakapuram which they, in turn, appear to have made over to the temple. It mentions Kasavakanti Padmanabhayyamgaru, the karyakartta of the king, Malappamgaru, the mudrakartta of Madraju Naraparaju and others.

No. 184.

(A. R. No. 156 of 1905.)

Markapur, Markapur Taluk, Kurnool District.

On the south wall of the antarala-mandapa of the Chennakesavasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1552 A.D.

This is dated in Saka 1474, Paridhavi, Sravana su. 15, corresponding to 1552 A.D., August 4, Thursday, 50 lunar eclipse.

It registers a grant of ten villages, viz., Tarnubadu, Korevanipalle, Medisettipalle, Gangireddipalle, Jammuladinne, Tellabodu, Komatikunta, Surepalle, Vanalapuram and Chennareddipalle, situated in Kochcherlakota-sima to god Chennakesava of Marakapuram by Mahamandalesvara Tirumalayyadeva-maharaju who is said to have obtained Kochcherlakota-sima as nayankara from the king.


No. 185.

(A. R. No. 406 of 1926.)

Palugurallapalle, Badvel Taluk, Cuddapah District.

On a slab set up in front of the Durga temple.

Sadasiva, 1552 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1475 (current), Paridhavin, Asvija su. 10, corresponding to 1552 A.D., September 27.

The inscription records the income from the maharachaprayojanam and devataprayojanam of the village Peddakoduru and the villages included in it to the goddess Amkala-Paramesvari of Pedakoduru by Jamgam Sarva[yya], son of Viranala Basuvayya at the instance of and for the merit of Mahamandalesvara Varadarajula Avubhalesvaradeva Maharaja for performing the tirtham, parapu and siddhayogam of the deity. The grant is said to have been made on the occasion of a lunar eclipse which was probably the one that occurred on the full moon day of the preceeding Sravana corresponding to August 5.

No. 186.

(A. R. No. 344 of 1920.)

Chinnavaduguru, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur District.

On a slab set up in the prakara of the Anjaneyasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1552 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1474, Paridhavin, Kartika su. 12. 12, Utthanadvadasi, Saturday corresponding to 1552 A.D., October 29, ’17.

This damaged epigraph records gift of money by vipravinodi Kesavayya and another (name lost) to the gods Hanumanta and Ramesvara in the agrahara of Pinavaduguru alias Timmasamudram.


No. 187.

(A. R. No. 424 of 1920.)

Pennahobilam, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur District.

On a slab set up in the Nrisimhasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1553 A.D.

The record is damaged. It is dated Saka 1474, Paridhavin, Pushya ba. 15, corresponding to 1553 A.D., January 14, Saturday, (solar eclipse)

It records a gift of land by Mahamandalesvara Ramaraju Koneti China-Tirumaladeva-maharaju for the merit of his father.

No. 188.

(A. R. No. 80 of 1915.)

Pedda-Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District.

On a slab set up near the Durudu-mandapa on the way to upper Ahobalam.

Sadasiva, 1553 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1476 (current), Pramadi, Sravana ba. 10, Thursday corresponding to 1553 A.D. August 3.

It registers an endowment of twenty varahas as poliyuttu for maintaining offerings during the sixteen days of festivals every year when god Ahobalesvara was seated in the sixteen pillared mandapa built by Mahamandalesvara Apratikamalla Kurucheti Venkatadrideva-maharaju, son of Obulraju and grandson of Timmarajaya of Kasyapa-gotra, Apastamba-sutra, Yajus-sakha and solar race.

No. 189.

(A. R. No. 341 of 1915.)

Nekarikallu, Narasarowpet Taluk, Guntur District.

On a slab set up in front of the Nrisimhasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1476 (current), Pramadi, Magha su. 7, Rathasaptami corresponding to 1554 A.D., January 10, (Wednesday).

It states that the village Narasimhapuram in Bellamkonda-sima, which was formerly granted to god Narasimha of Nagarekally having lain fallow on account of some political anarchy was re-granted along with some additional land sowable with on putti of seed to the same god by Jillella Vengalayyadeva-maharaju who obtained the Bellamkondasima as nayankara from Mahamandalesvara Ramaraja Yara-Tirumalarajayyadeva-maharaju.


No. 190.

(A. R. No. 694 of 1917.)

Kovelakuntla, Koilkuntla Taluk, Kurnool District.

On a slab set up near the Anjaneyasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1476, Ananada, Chaitra su. 10, corresponding to 1554 A.D., March 13, (Tuesday).

It registers the grant of their incomes (tyaga-varttana) from the mahajanas of Kovilakuntla by the Vipravinodins Parvatayya of Chamgalamarri, Madhavayya and others to god Pandarangi Vithalesvara at Kovilakuntla for conducting the Sri-Ramajayanti festival for the merit of their community all over the countries such as Vidyanagara, Bedadakota, Kataka, Dravida, etc.,

No. 191.

(A. R. No. 584 of 1909.)

Macherla, Palnad Taluk, Guntur District.

On a slab set up in the courtyard of the Virabhadresvara temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

The record is dated in Chronogram ‘rasa-saila-veda..’ and the numerals … 76, Ananda, Ashadha, su. 15, Friday, lunar eclipse. The word for the numeral 1 is apparently lost. The details of the date correspond to 1554 A.D., June 15, ’51, if the month was Adhika Ashadha.

The inscription which is damaged, records a grant of 14 putti and 10 tumu of land constituting it into a village by name Lingapuram, by Lingamma, wife of Veligoti Komara Timma-nayaka to the gods Ishta-Kamesvara and Viresvara of Macherla situated to the north of Macherla and west of the Chandrabhaga river, in Nagarjuna-konda-sima which Komara Timma-nayaka is said to have obtained as nayankara from Mahamandalesvara Ramaraju Tirumalarajayyadeva-maharaju.

No. 192.

(A. R. No. 64 of 1917.)

Badepuram, hamlet of Tadikonda, Guntur Taluk, Guntur District.

On a rock on the side of the big hill.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1476, Ananda, Adhika – Ashadha su. 15, lunar eclipse, corresponding to 1554 A.D., June 15, (Friday).

It refers to the grant of a piece of land in the village Ramachandrapuram in Kotabhumi-sthalam included in his nayankara territory of Kondavidu-sima by Mahamandalesvara Ramaraju Timmarajayya, to Kakamdi Bhavayyangaru, son of Chelvayyangaru of Bharadvaja-gotra, Apastamba-sutra and Yajus-sakha.


No. 193.

(A. R. No. 331 of 1920.)

Betapalli, Gooty Taluk, Anatapur District.

On a stone set up in front of the Timmaraju temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1476, Ananda, Adhika-Ashadha su. 15, Lunar eclipse, regularly corresponding to 1554 A.D., June 15, (Friday).

The epigraph is damaged and it seems to register the gift of three varahas payable to them in the village Betapalle included in Pulletimagani in Jagtapi-Gutti-sima to god Tirumaladeva of the same village by the dommaris (acrobats) for the merit of their twenty four families.

No. 194.

(A. R. No. 351 of 1920.)

Pamidi, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur District.

On a slab set up in the prakara of the Bhogesvara temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1476, Ananda, Nija-Ashadha su. 11, corresponding to 1554 A.D., July 11.

It is damaged and mentions god Bhogesvara of Pamidi on the bank of the Penna. The details of the grant are lost.

No. 195.

(A. R. No. 410 of 1904.)

Kosinepalle, Jammalamadugu Taluk, Cuddapah District.

On a slab set up opposite to the Anjaneya temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

The details of the date viz., Saka 1476, Ananda, Sravana su. 2, Tuesday, regularly correspond to 1554 A.D., July 31, ’53.

It records a gift of the tyagavarttana collected by them from the mahajanas of Kosinepalle alias Harihararayapuram, a sarvamanya agrahara situated in Chernurusima, for the cherapu-tirunalu (i.e., sirapput-tirunal) festival to god Tiruvengalanatha of Kona by a number of Vipravonodins.


No. 196.

(A. R. No. 412 of 1911.)

Vontimitta, Sidhvatam Taluk, Cuddapah District.

On a slab set up near the eastern gopura of the Kondandaramasvami temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1477 (current), Ananda, Sravana su. 12, corresponding to 1554 A.D., August 10.

The inscription records a gift of the villages Pulapaturu and its hamlet Renutumpalle by Gutti Tirumalayyadeva-maharaju, and Bugepalle in Vontimitta by Kanchiraju Yarraju, and some wet lands in Vontimitta to god Raghnayaka of Vontimitta for maintaining daily worship, monthly festivals and the panchaparvas and offerings.

The gift villages are stated to be included in Udayagirirajya held by the donor as nayankara. The inscription is said to have been set up by Lingappa, son of Lingaraju Timmayya of Kaluru.

No. 197.

(A. R. No. 368 of 1920.)

Chitrachedu, Gooty Taluk, Anantapur District.

On a slab in the compound of the mosque.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1477 (current), Ananda, Bhadrapada su. 15, corresponding to 1554 A.D. September 11.

It records a gift of income derived from dombari-pannu collected from the Kapus of Chitrachedu, to the gods Chennakesava, Ramayalinga and Ganadhipati for worship during the dhanurmasa and another occasion, by the dommaris Jannavula Gangaraju, Jumana-Khanu and Dhaladhuli. The village Chitrachedu is said to have been given as nayankara to Komara Kondrajaya by Mahamandalesvara Ramaraju Yaratimmayya-deva-maharaju.

No. 198.

(A. R. No. 157 of 1905.)

Markapur, Markapur Taluk, Kurnool District.

On the west wall of the antarala-mandapa of the Chennakesavasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated in Saka 1476, Ananda, Kartika su. 12, Utthanadvadasi, regularly corresponding to 1554 A.D., November 6, (Tuesday), ’54.

It records a gift of the village Nagulavaram, on the banks of the Gundakamma, in Dupati-sima for celebrating the 12 sankrantis in the year in the temple of Chennakesava by Timmaraju, son of Mahamandalesvara Ramaraju Konetayya, who is said to have obtained Dupati-sima as nayankara from the king. It is also stated that a fourth share of the offerings due to the dharmakartta was granted to Srirangacharya, son of Kandala Bhavanacharya of Vadhula-gotra, and to his descendants.


No. 199.

(A. R. No. 65 of 1915.)

Chinna-Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District.

On a slab set up in the court-yard of the Narasimhasvami temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1477 (current), Ananda, Margasira ba. 5, corresponding to 1554 A.D., December 14, (Friday).

It registers the dasavanda grant of land in the village of Pedakallu to Mahamandalesvara Avubhalaraju, son of Konetirajayya and grandson of Ramaraju Peda-Kondayyadeva Maharaja of the lunar race, by Paramkusa Vam Sathagopajiyya, the trustee of the temple, Hariharanadhuni Peddayya, the agent of Mahamandalesvara Aliya Ramapayya and the adhikam-varu, for his having constructed the tank Konasamudram alias Srimannara-yanasamudram to the north-east of Alamuru.

No. 200.

(A. R. No. 66 of 1915.)

Chinna-Ahobalam, Sirvel Taluk, Kurnool District.

On another slab set up in the courtyard of the Narasimhasvamin temple.

Sadasiva, 1554 A.D.

This is dated Saka 1477 (current), Ananda, Margasira ba. 5, corresponding to 1554 A.D., December 14, (Friday).

It registers the sale of a grove and a flower garden for 50 varahas in the village of Alamuru belonging to god Ahobalesvara by Paramkusa Vam Sathagopajiyya, the trustees of the temple, Hariharanadhuni Peddiraju and others of Mahamandalesvara Avubhalaraju, son of Konetiraju and grandson of Ramaraju Peda-Kondayadeva-maharaju of the lunar race, stipulating that a third share of the produce was to be enjoyed by the god and the rest by the donee.


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