The Indian Analyst

South Indian Inscriptions



Volume - III




Part - I

Inscription at Ukkal





Part - II

Kulottunga-Chola I

Vikrama Chola

Virarajendra I

Kulottunga-Chola III

Part - III

Aditya I

Parantaka I


Parantaka II



Aditya II Karikala

Part - IV

copper-plate Tirukkalar


Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India


Tirukkalar Plate of Kulottunga-Chola III

No. 211 Tirukkalar Plate of Kulottunga-Chola III 

No. 206 Two Pandya copper-plate grants from Sinnamanur

No. 207 Tirukkalar Plate of Rajendra Chola I

No. 209 Tirukkalar Plate of Kulottungs-Chola I

No. 211.— Tirukkalar plate of Kulottunga-Chola III

This is the fifth inscription in the Tirukkalar set.  It is engraved on both sides of the fourth plate and the inner side of the fifth.  It is dated in the 29th year of the reign of Kulottunga-Choladeva (i.e., Kulottunga III) who took Madura, Ceylon, Karuvur and the crowned head of the Pandya king and furnishes a list of gold and silver ornaments belonging to the temple at Tirukkalar  with their weights as measured by the standard weight called the kudinai-kal and the fineness in each case.

Hail ! Prosperity ! In the 26th year of (the reign of) the emperor of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Choladeva who had been pleased to take Madura, Ilam (i.e., Ceylon) Karuvur and the crowned head of the Pandya (king), the following list of sacred ornaments in the temple of the Nayanar who had sprung at Tirukkalar, was made weighed with the kudinai-kal : -

1. tirukkolgai :inclusive of the parama over this, one hundred and one kalanju and a half of gold of 8 5/8 fineness ; silver fastened to the edges weigh fourteen kalanju and three-fourths.

By sixteen gold flowers in the tiruvodaramalai, twelve kalanju of gold of 8 ½  fineness.

By 1 sacred upper-cloth (tiruvuttariyam), two kalanju, four manjadi and six ma of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 sacred crescent (tiruppirai), three-fourth (kalanju) of gold of 8 and three-fourths fineness.

By 3 ear-flowers (kannapushpam), two kalanju and a quarter of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 sacred girdle-plate (tirupattigai-palagai), sixty-four kalanju  and a half of gold of 8 ¼ fineness.  Silver, covering the edges of this, nineteen kalanju and a half, four manjadi and six ma. The weight of copper nails fixed in the several parts of this (ornament) in six and half palam.


By 1 gold flower given by Anniyudaiyar, one kalanju of gold.  By one silver necklace in which this was strung, half a kalanju of silver.

By 1 sacred diadem (tiruppattam) received in the 20th (year) from the central treasury of the palace (maligai), seven kalanju  and a quarter of gold.

By a small marriage-badge (tali) to be worn by the goddess of the bed-chamber and one mani (gem), two manjadi and four ma of gold.  This is of 8 ½ fineness.  By 1 necklace on which this was strung, quarter (kalanju) of silver.  Inclusive of 1 string of the marriage-badge, 1 marriage-badge, together with the kokkuvya and padugan, two kalanju of gold of 9 fineness.

By 1 garland (tiruvasigai) made by Irasandan alias Solavichchadira Pallavaraiyar of Podimangalam in the 23rd (year of reign), for being put on (the image of) Aravabharanadeva, two hundred and fifty-five kalanju and a quarter, three manjadi and five ma of gold of 8 5/16 fineness.

By 1 abhisheka, sixteen kalanju and a half of gold of 9 ½ fineness.

By 1 sacred garland (tiruvaram) of this god, four kalanju and three-fourths, two manadi and seven ma of gold of 9 ¼ fineness.

By 1 abhisheka, sixteen kalanju and a half of gold of 9 ½ fineness.

By 1 sacred garland (tiruvaram) of this god, four kalanju and three-fourths, two manjadi and seven ma of gold of 9 ¼ fineness.

By 2 sacred ear-rings (tirutodu) of this (god), three kalanju of gold of 8 ¼ fineness.

By 1 abhisheka of the consort of this (god), ten kalanju of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 sacred garland (tiruvaram) of this (god) two kalanju and a quarter of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 2 ear-rings (todu) of this (god), two kalanju of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 24 sacred round beads (tiruvattamani), (one) halanju and a half of gold of 8 ½ fineness.  By 1 string of sacred round beads (tiruvattamani) and 30 beads, (one) kalanju, two manjadi and four ma of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 string of sacred round beads and 40 beads, [1 kalanju, 8 manjadi and 2 ma][1] of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 string of sacred round beads and 40 beads, two kalanju of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 pair of sacred anklet (tiruchchilambu), four kalanju of gold of 8 ¾ fineness.

By 1 tiru-abhishekam presented by Tiruvaiyarudaiyan for being worn by the Nachchiyar (i.e., the goddess Parvati who performed full penance, fifteen kalanju and a half of gold of 9 fineness.

By 1 tiranai for the forehead, five kalanju and quarter of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 string of marriage-badge inclusive of the end-workings of the marriage-badge, (one) kalanju of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 1 sacred foot-string (tiruttavadam), and 41 beads, (one) kalanju of gold of 9 fineness.

By 4 sacred wristlets, two kalanju and three fourths and (one) manjadi of gold of 9 fineness.

By 35 silver beads, three-fourths of a (kalanju), two manjadi and three ma of silver.

By 1 silver bracelet (karai), three fourths (kalanju) and two (manjadi) of silver.

By 1 marriage-badge strung on this, half a kalanju and a half of gold of 8 ½ fineness.

By 2sacred ear-rings (tiruttodu), (one) kalanju and a half of gold of 8 ¾ fineness.

By 1 sacred garland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gold.[2]

By 1 head circlet (sirachakram), two kalanju of gold of 9 fineness.

By 2 sacred necklaces (tirukkanda-vali), three-fourths (of a kalanju) of gold of 9 fineness.

By 1 sacred upper cloth presented by Udaiyar Solavichchadira-Pallavaraiyar to be worn by the god during the sacred bath, three-fourths (of a
), four manjadi and six ma of gold.[3]

By a 1snake in the tiruvasigaippurimam, (one) kalanju and three-fourths and two ma of gold.

[1]  Expressed by symbols : see page 474, note 1.

[2]  Details regarding this item are omitted to be given in the original.

[3]  After this occurs the phrase mattru kaasumi whose significance cannot be made out.

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