The Indian Analyst

South Indian Inscriptions



Volume - III




Part - I

Inscription at Ukkal





Part - II

Kulottunga-Chola I

Vikrama Chola

Virarajendra I

Kulottunga-Chola III

Part - III

Aditya I

Parantaka I


Parantaka II



Aditya II Karikala

Part - IV

copper-plate Tirukkalar


Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India


Tirukkalar Plate of Kulottunga-Chola I & Tribhuvanachakravartin Rajarajadeva

No. 209 Tirukkalar Plate of Kulottungs-Chola I

No. 206 Two Pandya copper-plate grants from Sinnamanur

No. 207 Tirukkalar Plate of Rajendra Chola I

No. 211 Tirukkalar Plate of Kulottunga-Chola III & Rajakesarivarman

No. 209.— Tirukkalar plate of KulotTunga-Chola

This inscription in 19 lines is engraved on the third plate of the Tirukkalar set.  It is dated in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Tribhuvanachakravartin Kulottunga-Choladeva without any distinguishing epithet or historical introduction.  In the absence of these, through it is not generally possible to say to which of the three kings who bore that name this record must be attributed, yet it appears to be a record of Kulottunga-Chola I, since it is stated in the fourth inscription in this set in referring to this record that the king abolished tolls —  which is generally a feat attributed to Kulottunga I.  It registers a gift of paddy made by a certain Sivan Tillainayakan alias Siruttondanambi of Tannirkunram in Nenmali-nadu to the temple of Mahadeva at Tirukkalar in Purangarambai-nadu which was a sub-division of Rajendrasola-valanadu for the purpose of taking in procession Aravabharanadeva, for offerings to Pillaiyar and the god in the Mulattanam and for feeding devotees on the days of the new-moon.

Tannirkunram, to which the donor belonged, is a village 7 miles to the east of Mannargudi in the Tanjore District.  The modern village of Nemmeli in the same Taluk, must have been the principal place in the division Nenmali-nadu in which Tannirkunram is said to have been situated.


Hail ! Prosperity ! In the twenty-eight year of (the reign of) the empoeror of the three worlds, the glorious Kulottunga-Choladeva, Sivan Tillainayagan alias Siruttondanambi of Tannirkunram in Nenmali-nadu made the following gift to (the temple of) Mahadeva of Tirukkalar in Purangarambai-nadu (a subdivision) of rajendrasola-valanadu, for the purpose of conducting thefestival of Aravabharanadeva on the day of the new-moon, the grand offerings of the god to be made on that day, offerings to Pillaiyar (i.e., Ganapati), offerings to the god in the central shrine (Mulasthana) and for the feeding of the devotees (devaradiyar) (to be made) o the (same) day.


For the interest in paddy of fifteen kalam which accrues at the rate of three kuruni per kalam on the sixty kalam of paddy which, we the Siva —  Brahmanas, (viz.,) Kausikan Venkadabhattan, Kasyapan Karayil Mulaichchan, Kausikan Adittan Adavallan and other Siva-Brahmanas of this temple had received as principal for (bearing) interest from this person (i.e., Sivan Tillainayakan) in the month of Vaigasi of this year, we the five viz., Aravabharanan Eduttapadam alias Tiruchchirrambalakkalan, Aravabharanan Iyabaradanadan, Adavallan alias Purvasivan alias Pattarganayaka-Pichchan, Aravindan Kuran alias  Narpattennayira-Pichchan, Kuttan Gangai-kondan alias Sivasaranasegara-Muvendavelan of this village, who came forward (for this purpose) shall conduct the (specified) expenses on each new-moon day, at the rate of (one) kalam and three kuruni as long as the Moon and the Sun (endure).

For the (one) hundred and twenty kalam of paddy which we had received on interest by agreement from Sivan Tillainayagan of this village, the interest in paddy for a period of one year calculated at the rate of three kuruni per kalam, is thirty kalam.

With these thirty kalam, through those who stand for us we shall feed the devotees at the rate of two kalam, (one) tuni and (one) kpadakku of paddy for one new-moon day.

As long as the sun and the moon (endure), the Sri-Mahesvaras shall be surety (for this) Kanperran shall be in charge of the Mahesvara-kani.  This is my writing.

No. 210.-Tirukkalar plate of Tirubhuvanachakravartin Rajarajadeva

This is the fourth inscription in the  Tirukkalar set.  It is engraved on the second side of the third plate and belongs to the 18th year of the reign of Tribhuvanachakravartin rajarajadeva.  It records that some of the families of the donees, who received the gift made by Sivan Tillainayagan of Tannirkunram in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Kulottunga-Chola, the abolisher of tolls, ceased to have male members and that in consequence a question arising as to how the feeding pertaining to these families should be conducted in future, the Mahesvaras settled that the feeding stipulated in the grant to be done by the donees devolved on the female descendants as well and that arrangements were made in accordance with that order.  The inscription may probably belong to the reign of Rajaraja II, though the distinguishing epithet of the king is missing and the characters appear to belong to a later period.


Hail ! Prosperity ! In the eighteenth year and one hundred and eightieth day of (the reign of) the emperor of the three worlds the glorious Rajarajadeva, when male descendants ceased to exist in some of the families of the andar who had been living in the tirumadai-vilagam of the god and who had obtained a paddy-gift for conducting the feeding specified in a copper-plate grant engraved formerly (i.e.,) in the twenty-eighth year of (the reign of) Kulottunga-Choladeva, the abolisher of tolls, from Sivan Tillainayagan of Tannirkunram, who made provision for the new-moon festival and for feeding the devotees (devaradiyar) of the god Mahadeva who had sprung at Tirukkalar in Purangarambai-nadu, (a subdivision) of Rajendrasola-valanadu and who (i.e., the andar) had been conducting the feeding with the gifts and when Kanakarayar and the Mahesvaras wished to decide how the feeding pertaining to the families having only female descendants should be conducted, the Mahesvaras came to the settlement that the feeding from the interest (of a gift) devolved also on the female descendants.  It was so agreed and that in accordance with the agreement made by the female descendants, (it was decided that) three persons had to be fed by Kanperran Manruniraindan alias Anbarkadiyan who had taken (to wife) the daughter of Adavallan Purvasivan alias Pattarganayaga-Pichchan, that three persons had to be fed by Devan Divakaran, the son of her kolundi (husband’s younger sister) and others and that twelve persons pertaining to two shares out of the (whole) five, — which (number) was fed by Tiruchchirrambalakkalan, — shall now be fed by the male descendants (of his).

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