The Indian Analyst

South Indian Inscriptions



Volume - IX



Part - I




Chalukyas of Badam


Chalukyas of Kalyani







Cholas of Renandu

Part - II

Eastern Chalukyas

Dynasties of Vijayanagara

Ummattur Chiefs


Mysore Kings


Other South-Indian Inscriptions 

Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Vol. 4 - 8

Volume 9

Volume 10

Volume 11

Volume 12

Volume 13

Volume 14

Volume 15

Volume 16

Volume 17

Volume 18

Volume 19

Volume 20

Volume 22
Part 1

Volume 22
Part 2

Volume 23

Volume 24

Volume 26

Volume 27





Annual Reports 1935-1944

Annual Reports 1945- 1947

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 2, Part 2

Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum Volume 7, Part 3

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 1

Kalachuri-Chedi Era Part 2

Epigraphica Indica

Epigraphia Indica Volume 3

Indica Volume 4

Epigraphia Indica Volume 6

Epigraphia Indica Volume 7

Epigraphia Indica Volume 8

Epigraphia Indica Volume 27

Epigraphia Indica Volume 29

Epigraphia Indica Volume 30

Epigraphia Indica Volume 31

Epigraphia Indica Volume 32

Paramaras Volume 7, Part 2

Śilāhāras Volume 6, Part 2

Vākāṭakas Volume 5

Early Gupta Inscriptions

Archaeological Links

Archaeological-Survey of India



VOLUME IX - Part - II 


No. 500.

(A.R. No. 19 of 1915.)

In the eastern porch, left of the entrance into the temple at Srisailam, Nandikotkur taluk, Kunrnool district.

This is dated Saka 1438, Yuva, Sravana, su. 15, Budhavara, Chandra-grahana, corresponding to A.D. 1515 July 25, Wednesday with a lunar eclipse, in the reign of Krishnadeva-Maharaya.  After mentioning the king’s conquest of Udayagiridurga, the capture of Tirumalarautaraya-Mahapatra, the subjugation of Addanki, Vinikonde, Bellamkonde, Nagarjunikonde, Tangeda, Ketavara and Kondavidudurga, the capture of Virabhadraraya, son of Prataparudra-Gajapati, Naraharideva, son of Komara-Patra, Mallukhana of Rachuru Uddandakhana of others, it records the gifts of tulapurusha, ratnadhenu and saptasagara made by the king and his queens Chinnadevamma and Tirumaladevamma in the presence of Amaresvaradeva on the bank of the river Krishnaveni and his order for construction of a stone mandapa in the car street at Sriparvata after his arrival there.  It also states that he had granted the villages, Parumanchala and Atakuru for offerings to the god Mallikarujuna in the year Srimukha, Vaisakha, su. 11, Guruvara corresponding to
A.D. 1513 April 15 Friday, not Thursday.  Further he is stated to have remitted tolls on kavadis, packhorses, bullocks, etc.,


No. 501.

(A.R. No. 412 of 1920.)

On a rock behind the Lingayat-matha at Uravakonda, Gooty taluk, Anantapur district.

This is damaged and dated Saka 1439, Yuva, Phalguna, su. 10, corresponding to A.D. 1516 February 13, Wednesday (not verifiable), in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records the gift of some plots of land made by Amarada Timmarasa, the Karyakartta of the king, to Kattige Tippayya, for constructing a tank to the south of the village of Uruvakonde.

No. 502.

(A.R. No. 711 of 1922.)

On the north wall of the hundred-pillared mandapa in the Vitthalasvami temple at Hampi, Hospet taluk, Bellary district.

This is dated Saka 1438, Dhatu (=A.D. 1516-17) with no further details.  It records that king Krishnaraya-Maharaya caused the construction of the hundred-pillared mandapa to god Vithaladeva in the year mentioned.

No. 503.

(A.R. No. 457 of 1914.)

On a slab set up in the garden of the Santivirasvami temple at Sogi, Hadagalli, taluk, same district.

This is dated the cyclic year Dhatu, Kartika, su. 5,  corresponding to A.D. 1516 October 30, Thursday  (not verifiable), in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records that, under the orders of Parvati-amma, mother of Immadi Basavappa-Vodeya, and officer of the king, Aruha-Timmana-Nayaka who was the Pradhana at Kotturu made a gift of the village of Dannayakapura for the charity water-life at Soge, for the merit of his master (i.e., Basavappa-Vodeya).  The balance, if any, out of the revenue of the village, after meeting the expenses of the water-lift, was to be used for the service of the god Kalinathadeva at Soge.

No. 504.

(A.R. No. 686 of 1922.)

On a slab built into the wall in the room to the left of the mandapa in the Ranganatha temple at Nagenahalli, Hospet taluk, same district.

This is dated Saka 1438, Dhatu, Kartika, su. 15, Adivara  corresponding to A.D. 1516 November 9, Sunday, in the reign of Krishnadeva-Maharaya.  It records that Ranganatha-Dikshita, son of Nanjinatha-Bhatta of Jamadagnyavatsa-gotra, Asvalayana-sutra and Rigveda, and the Purohita of the king, received a manya village from the king and caused therein the construction of a tank called Nagasamudra after the name of Nagaladevi, the mother of the king, and of the temples of Nagesvara and Nagendrasayana.  He made the village an agrahara giving it the name Nagaladevipura and gave vrittis to Brahmans.

No. 505.

(A.R. No. 177 of 1924.)


On the west wall of the third prakara of the Kalahastisvara temple at Kalahasti, Chandragiri taluk, Chittoor district.

This is dated Saka 1438, Dhatu, Phalguna, ba. 10, Mangalavara, Sravana, corresponding to A.D. 1517 March 17, Tuesday, in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records a gift of money made by the Sthanikas of the temple to Made-Nayaka for the service of the god Kalahasti-Nayinar at Kalahasti, also called Mummudi-Cholapura in Attur-nadu, a sub-division of Jayamgondachola-mandala.  The gift was made for the merit of the king.  The manner of distributing the offerings among the servants of the temple is also specified.

No. 506.

(A.R. No. 457 of 1923.)

On a slab set up in the Bazaar street of the village, Kanekkal, Rayadrug taluk, Bellary district.

This is damaged and dated Saka 1438, Dhatu, Ashadha, ba. 30, Adivara corresponding to A.D. 1516 June 29, Sunday, in the reign of Krishnadevaraya-Maharaya.  It records that the king exempted the donees of the manya village Kaniyakallu in Rayadurga-[sime] from taxes and permitted them to enjoy the devadaya and brahmadaya lands without any disturbance.

No. 507.

(A.R. No. 87 of 1912.)

On a slab set up in the court-yard of the Chaudesvari temple at Cholasamudram, Hindupur taluk, Anantapur district.

This is incomplete and dated Saka 1439, Isvara, Margasira, ba. 3, corresponding to A.D. 1517 December 1 Tuesday (not verifiable), in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya, king of Karnataka.  It mentions his queen Tirumalambika and records that Rayasada Kondamarasayya, son of Mantri Timmarasa and grandson of Sripatyacharya, of Bharadvaja-gotra, Asvalayna-sutra and Rik-sakha, made some gift for the service of the goddess Chaudesvari in Cholasamudra in order that the kin may be blessed with children.  Kondamarasayya is stated to have been an expert in reading various scripts,  His grandather is described as a very learned man and observer of the four religious orders, Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Yati, as the ornament of the Udayagiri-Kannadiga-kula and as the chief of Podatur in the Dravida-desa.


No. 508.

(A.R. No. 529 of 1915.)

On one of thepillars of a mosque of the hill at Adoni, Adoni taluk, Bellary district.

This is dated Saka 1439, Isvara, Magha, su. 5,  corresponding A.D. 1518 January 16, Saturday (not verifiable).  It records that Ramana-Nayaka, son of Kathari Tippana-Nayaka, who was an officer of Praudha-Devaraya-Maharaya, constructed the temple of the god Prasanna-Ramayadeva and consecrated the image of the god in it.

No. 509.

(A.R. No. 225 of 1913.)

On a stone in front of the Anjaneya temple at Yettina-Budehalu, Bellary taluk, same district.

This is an incomplete record.  It is dated Saka 1445 (mistake for 1440) Bahudhanya, Sravana, ba. 10, corresponding to A.D. 1518 August 1, Sunday (not verifiable), in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It stops with the name of the king.

No. 510.

(A.R. No. 697 of 1922.)

On a rock near Kumbharakunte to the north-west of Kamalapuram, Hospet taluk, same district.

This is dated Saka 1[4]3[9], Bahudanya, Kartika, su.  (mistake for ba. ?) 12, Sa[nivara],  corresponding to A.D. 1518 October 30, Saturday, in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records that the senior queen Tirumaladevi-Amma made a gift of (the land called) Kummaragunte near Vijayanagara for the service of the god Tiruvengalanatha of Anjanagiri in Vijayanagara.  The gift was made for the merit of Tirumalaraya-Maharaya.  Mention is made of Ramanuja-muni, the reformer of vaishnavism.

No. 511.

(A.R. No. 425 of 1928.)

On a slab set up in a private building-site to the north of Doddakerekatte at Basrur, Coondapur taluk, South Kanara district.

This is dated Saka 1441, Pramadi, Kartika, su. 2, Mangalavara, corresponding to A.D. 1519.  October 25, Tuesday,  in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records that while Vijayappa-Vodeya, son of Ratnappa-Vodeya, was ruling over Barakurarajya, Tirumaka-Settiti, wife of Narana-Setti and daughter of Joki-Setti, caused the construction of a matha, in the Paduvakeri of Basrur and endowed it with lands and gold.

No. 512.

(A.R. No. 424 of 1928.)

On another slab set up on the same site.

This is dated Saka 1442, Vikrama, Chaitra, su. 14, Adivara, corresponding to A.D. 1520 April 1, Sunday, in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records that, while Vijayappodeya was ruling over Barakura-rajya, Sankara Setti, son of Allu Setti of Settivadi, built a matha, out of the gold of his grand-daughter, Tirumakka-Ravutiti, who had no children and endowed it with some plots of land.  He also made a gift for the service of the god, Nakharesvara.

No. 513.

(A.R. No. 707 of 1919.)

On a pillar set up near Basavesvara temple at Bolagoti, Alur taluk, Bellary district.

This is damaged and dated Saka 1443, Vrisha, Chaitra, su. 1,  corresponding to A.D. 15121 March 9, Saturday (not verifiable), in the reign of Krishnadeva-Maharaya.  It records that while Kattige Kamana-Nayaka was in charge of the fortress of Adavani, his Manehagara, Chinkala Tirumalabova, and Senabova Timmarasa issued certain orders regarding the manufacture of salt in some villages (named), belonging to Adapada Macha of Minagondi in Adavani (division).

No. 514.

(A.R. No. 727 of 1922.)

On a pillar in the mandapa of the Isvara temple at Kurikuppe, Hospet taluk, same district.

This is dated Saka 1445, Svabhanu, Vaisakha, su. 5, So[mavara],  corresponding to A.D. 1523 April 20, Monday, in the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records that Benakarasa, son of heggarasa of Vasishtha-gotra, Drahyayana-sutra and Sama-sakha, caused the construction of a temple at Kuriyakuppe surnamed Anantasetu and, setting up the god Virupaksha there, made a gift of some vrittis which he purchased from Basava-Dikshita, for worship, etc. to the god.  The Mahajanas of the agrahara also made a gift of a garden land for the same purpose.

No. 515.

(A.R. No. 288 of 1918.)

On a slab set up near the Anjaneya temple at Chatnahalli, Harapanahalli taluk, same district.

This is dated Saka 1446, Svabhanu, Kartika, su. 12, Somavara, corresponding to A.D. 1524 November 7, Monday.  The inscription refers itself to the reign of Krishnaraya-Maharaya.  It records that Visana-Ravutta, son of Murari-Ravutta of Ariya-Kshatriya-kula, Kasyapa-gotra, Asvalayana-sutra and Rik-sakha made a grant of Chatanahalli in Kavilicherivina-sime, a sub-division of Uchchangi-Venthe under his nayakatana, to Narayana-Bhatta, son of Devaru-Bhatta of Gautama-gotra, Baudhayana-sutra and Yajus-sakha, free of all taxes, for the merit of the king.

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