
What Is India News Service
Tuesday, November 20, 2007


 Indian University Publications



Impact of Karnataka Government Advertisements
A study spread over several districts revealed a surprising variety in media taste and advertisement impact, says Dr. B P MAHESH CHANDRA GURU

Training for Careers in Journalism
India needs a national council of professionals to study the problems and prospects of media training, say Dr. B P MAHESH CHANDRA GURU and M S SAPNA

Media Intervention in Dairy Development in Karnataka
Rural broadcasting is critical for dairy development. District radio stations and low power TV centres can play a significant role in encouraging proper dairying practices, write Dr. B P MAHESH CHANDRA GURU and E. NARAYANAPPA

Journalism Education: A Quality Perspective
India brings out 45,000 newspapers, journals and periodicals in 105 languages and dialects. Yet journalism education is neglected, write Dr. B P MAHESH CHANDRA GURU and MADHURA VEENA M L

Philosophy of Bhaja Govindam
Shankara wrote Bhaja Govindam to explain the transience of all that humans take for granted. Each verse is a shining lamp that shows us the way out of materialistic craving, writes Prof. Y S GOWRAMMA 

Hinduism: Universal Religion
Hinduism's lofty ideals make it a way of life, not just a speculative philosophy, says Prof. Y S GOWRAMMA 

Health Education in India
Governments, media, academic institutions and NGOs, have to work in close collaboration to give India an effective health education system, write Dr. B P MAHESH CHANDRA GURU, SAPNA M S and MADHURA VEENA M L 


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