News Analysis - Afghanistan



  • Largest NATO Offensive in Afghanistan (March 13, 2007)
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) troops launched its largest operation since 2001 against a resurgent Taliban specifically targeting drug lords and rebel leaders in the opium heartland Halmand Province. <More>

  • Suicide Attempt on Cheney (February 27, 2007)
    A Taliban suicide bomber failed in his attempt to assassinate visiting U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney in Afghanistan after bad weather forced him to stay back in a military base after he concluded discussions on the threat of al Qaeda and the Taliban.<More>

  • Cheney in Surprise Pak Visit (February 26, 2007)
    In a surprise move, U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney visited Pakistan on his way to Kabul carrying a message from President George Bush that Islamabad will lose its financial aid if it cannot manage its border with Afghanistan.<More>

  • Drug Control in Afghan (February 26, 2007)
    The Afghanistan Government has launched a renewed eradication campaign, particularly in Halmand Province which accounted for 40 per cent of 2006's opium yield of 6,725 tons, to stem an estimated USD 3 billion economic activity.<More>

  • US Plans Large Afghan Package (January 29, 2007)
    The US President George Bush is reportedly seeking Congressional approval for another USD 7-8 billion for security, reconstruction, and counter-offensive operations including training and policing operations against a resurgent Taliban.<More>

  • Pak Hurdles on SAFTA (January 25, 2007)
    Hailing Afghanistan’s entry into the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), an Indian official complained about Pakistan’s refusal to implement South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA) which impeded regional trade.<More>

  • Pak Forces Attacked by NATO (January 24, 2007)
    NATO troops using helicopter gun-ships returned fire on a Pakistani check post on the Afghanistan border in an obvious retaliation for Pakistani Army giving covering fire for infiltration of terrorists in North Waziristan.<More>

  • US Accuses Pak of Harboring Taliban (January 17, 2007)
    NATO troops claimed to have killed 150 ill-equipped and ill-trained insurgent recruits sent to fight by Jalaluddin Haqqani whom senior US officials lives in Pakistan even as there is a surge of Taliban fighters crossing the border to fight coalition troops.<More>

  • Mush Wants Support to Fight Terror (January 09, 2007)
    State-run television reported that Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has called his nation to support his policy stopping militants from using the nation as recruitment ground for suicide members to be used by terrorist groups for attacks world-over.<More>

  • Talks with Afghan Taliban (December 23, 2006)
    Afghan President Hamid Karzai is reportedly ready for talks with the Taliban operating in his country hopeful of including them in governance but not the Pakistani counterpart but only if they terminate links with Pakistan as that nation is trying to “enslave” Afghanistan.<More>

  • Taliban Is a Virtual Mini State in Pak  (December 14, 2006)
    Finally, Western media has woken up to the dangers of the peace pact between Pakistan and the local Taliban in the North West Frontier Province and the New York Times (NYT) reported about a resurgent Taliban supporting Indian concern for this development.<More>

  • India Reiterates Afghan Support (November 23, 2006)
    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh “reiterated India’s commitment as a neighbour and friend to continue assisting Afghanistan despite the challenges posed by the security situation” and continue its rehabilitation work but declined to deploy regular troops.<More>

  • US Upset with UK Taliban Truce (November 21, 2006)
    The US seems to have expressed “unease” with the reported truce negotiated by the British military in Afghanistan with tribal elders representing the Taliban followed by a withdrawal of British troops at Musa Qala and restoration of the captured to local militia.<More>

  • Afghan Violence Continues (October 24, 2006)
    The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said that its soldiers returned fire and killed 15 insurgents in the southern Zabul province of Afghanistan but conceded that 2 of their vehicles were damaged in the conflict but suffered no casualties.<More>

  • Multi-Faceted Trouble for Pakistan (October 09, 2006)
    As rumors of a coup continues to be fuelled by weapons discoveries around President Pervez Musharraf’s office, a grand Jirga of 95 Baloach tribal chiefs met and decided to move the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on their status.<More>

  • India Worried About Taliban Resurgence (September 12, 2006)
    India is increasingly worried about conventional offensive well-orchestrated operations of a resurgent Taliban and their hold on the fight till broken with air raids and analysts say that these tactics bring back memories of their ascendance in early 1990s.<More>

  • Afghan Widows Prefer Suicide (August 22, 2006)
    A recent survey by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) found that 50,000 Afghan windows in Kabul prefer suicide to overcome the hardships they continue to face. <More>

  • NATO Set to Take Over Afghan Security (August 01, 2006)
    In its most ambitious mission in Asia, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has taken control of security operations in insurgency-ridden southern Afghanistan to stop the Taliban with new tactics and approach.

  • Coalition Forces Kill 70 militants (July 12, 2006)
    Coalition forces in Afghanistan followed an air-raid on a terrorist hideout which killed 40 Taliban terrorists with a land raid on a different hideout killing another 30 terrorists in the volatile Halmand province in Southern Afghanistan but the claim is unverifiable.<More>

  • Pakistan Promises More Troops for Terror(July 05, 2006)
    Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri said that President Musharraf promised visiting US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice 10,000 more troops on its border with Afghanistan.<More>

  • Rice on Facilitation Mission (July 03, 2006)
    US Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice visited Islamabad last week to urge, coerce, and pacify Pakistan and Afghanistan to stop their bickering and work together to fight Taliban and al Qaeda forces but created a lot of flutter over democracy in Pakistan.<More>

  • Increased Heroin Flows from Afghanistan (June 30, 2006)
    Narcotic trackers say that an unwanted and unanticipated side-effect of the Indo-Pak peace process that has increased foot, rail, and road traffic between the two nations is the upsurge of smuggling of heroin from Afghanistan.<More>

  • Large Operation Kills 150 Taliban (June 28, 2006)
    Afghan and coalition forces launched Operation Mountain Thrust, a major anti-Taliban operation 2 weeks ago, killing 149, wounding 32, and capturing terrorists described by Afghanistan as “enemies of peace and safety of our people.”<More>

  • Karzai names Zawahiri as Main Enemy (June 23, 2006)
    Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai names al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri as his country's main that must be neutralized or captured for having “brought massive suffering to the Afghan people.”<More>

  • ' US Claims Self-Defense in Afghanistan (June 01, 2006)
    US Army claimed that its troops opened fire in self-defense on the worst ever anti-American riot after being shot at by the crowd and was unable to pin down the actual casualty numbers.<More>

  • 50 Taliban Dead, Riots against US (May 30, 2006)
    US Planes bombed a mosque in Halmand in Southern Afghanistan killing 50 Taliban terrorists including several unspecified Taliban leaders; the Taliban has not responded to this claim.< More>

  • Afghan Taliban Attack Leaves 105 Dead (May 19, 2006)
    Afghanistan saw the worst militant attack since 2001 with a large Taliban force attacked Government forces in a small town in Halmand province leaving over 105 dead of which 40 were militants.<More>

  • Karzai Visits India  (April 11, 2006)
    Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai is visiting India for the first time after his country was proposed by India to join the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and both countries promised to fight terrorism together. <More>

  • ITBP Protects BRO in Afghanistan (April 6, 2006)
    The Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) will provide the Army’s Border Roads Organization (BRO) security from Taliban and al Qaeda while they construct the crucial road linking Zalranj to Delaram to link Iran with Afghanistan.<More>

  • Coalition Force Inflicts Damage on Taliban (March 31, 2006)
    A strong Taliban force attacked a coalition base in Halmand province of Afghanistan shortly after midnight using mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, and small arms. <More>

  • New Taliban Threatens to Consume Pak (March 29, 2006)
    The Pakistani establishment is increasingly nervous about the rise of a group calling itself the "Pakistani Taliban" and reports say that they rule large swathes of tribal land in Waziristan.<More>

  • Troops Kills 15 Taliban Terrorists (March 23, 2006)
    Afghanistan said its troops killed 15 Taliban terrorists looking to crossover from Pakistan. <More>

  • Taliban Riot in Afghan Jail (February 27, 2006)
    About 1,300 Taliban and al Qaeda prisoners, protesting against a uniform regime separating political and criminal prisoners, rioted in Afghanistan taking over the control block of the main jail at Pul-e-Charkhi.<More>

  • Suicide Bomber Kills 13 in Kandahar (February 10, 2006)
    A lone suicide Taliban terrorist exploded a bomb outside the police headquarters in Kandahar, killing 13 people and injuring 14 others.<More>

  • 16 Taliban Terrorists Killed (February 06, 2006)
    About 200 Taliban terrorists attacked an Afghan police convoy killing three policemen in Southern Helmand province. <More>

  • Afghanistan Accuses Pak of Support to Taliban (January 20, 2006)
    Afghanistan has once again accused Pakistan of providing shelter, training, funds, and material to Taliban and al Qaeda suicide bombers to sabotage progress.<More>

  • Taliban Burns Co-Ed School (January 10, 2006)
    Suspected Taliban gunmen burnt down a co-ed school in Khandahar. This attack preceded by several others are forcing the closure of many schools.<More>

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