NATO troops using helicopter gun-ships returned fire on a Pakistani check post on the Afghanistan border in an obvious retaliation for Pakistani Army giving covering fire for infiltration of terrorists in North Waziristan. While Pakistan fumed over the attacks and eloquent castigations in the Parliament, NATO was unrepentant saying that they were only returning fire.
India had always accused the Pakistani forces of covering infiltration by terrorists on its eastern border and it looks like the same tactics are adopted on the West. In this incident, diplomatic and political forces usually in support of Pakistan against military commanders were unusually quiet leading credence to opinion that the West is increasing wary of Pakistani role in the war on terrorism. Given the use of a helicopter against Pakistani forces requires a higher level sanction, strengthens this view. The incident resulted in the death of a Pakistani soldier with several others injured.
Many skeptics and independent analysts have said that Islamabad is a dubious partner in the war on terrorism. The presence of Pakistani regulars inside Afghanistan and killed in action will only deepen suspicion that Islamabad is unable or unwilling to check the Taliban and al Qaeda fighters crossing over to Afghanistan in hit-and-run tactics long practiced in Kashmir. Even US intelligence chief John Negroponte testified before Congress twice last week that Al Qaida elements operated from "secure hideouts'' in Pakistan.