Accelerating Rural Financing Process
by Banks in India: Need For Creating
Enabling Environment : The
goal of Union Government to double the
flow of farm credit in three years
[2004-05 to 2006-07]was achieved in
two years. Actual flow of credit
during the year 2006-07 is expected to
exceed the target of Rs.1,750,000
million set for the year by Rs.
150,000 million.
Dr. Amrit Patel &
Gopal Kalkoti
Minimizing Rural Unemployment:
There is a significant, positive &
direct coorelation between poverty &
unemployment.When & where there is
high degree of unemployment then &
there is high degree of poverty.- by
Dr. Amrit Patel &
Gopal Kalkoti
Games Indians Play: Why are we the way
we are? by
Mr. V
Raghunathan & Review by Soumya
Dr. V Raghunathan, ex-IIM professor of
finance and former President, of ING
Vysya bank, is a collector of antique
locks and unique ideas. He is built
like a stick of dynamite: compact and
bursting with energy.
Management of Rural Water Resources
Need for Policy and Institutional
Framework - by
Dr. Amrit Patel &
Gopal Kalkoti
With a view to achieving the desired
growth rate, modernization, self-reliance and social
equity in the sphere of agriculture, being the
backbone of Indian economy, the Government of India
very aptly accorded top priority to creation of
irrigation facilities by investing sum of
Rs.1,253,407.3 million under major and medium
irrigation projects, Rs.304,063.6 million under minor
irrigation projects and Rs.96,581.3 million under
Command Area Development Program, accompanied by
private sectors’ investment of Rs.7,128,681.2 million
during the period from 1951-52 to 1999-00.
China: Macro-economic Control-Problems and
Prospects - by
Mr. D. S. Rajan
“To maintain economic stability, the
Government should stick to prudent
fiscal and monetary policies and look
for ways to improve and strengthen
macro-economic measures so as to
regulate economic activities, with
focus on reining in the fixed assets
investment and the scale of bank
Mayavada of Advaita
Prof. Y.S. Gowramma.
Since time immemorial, the question that haunted the
minds of scholars and philosophers was about the
reality of the things and the objects of the world
that we are experiencing.
Rabindhranath Tagore - The Poet and
the Philosopher
Prof. Y.S. Gowramma.
Rabindranath Tagore is a poet dramatist, novelist,
actor, composer, educator, painter, and a Philosopher.
In a word he is the Leonardo-da–Vinci of our
Renaissance True to the Indian Tradition, he had a
Particular Philosophical Vision of his own, which he
depicted is his essays, sermons and interwoven is his
Micro-Finance Institutions & Interest Rates Bank Rakyat
Indonesia Shows the Way by
Dr. Amrit Patel
Main objective of Micro-Finance Institutions has been
to provide financial services, more importantly
savings, credit, insurance, remittances, to most
vulnerable sections of the population in developing
North Korea: Nuclear crisis - Way ahead
- by
Mr. D. S. Rajan
The failure to achieve a breakthrough on the North
Korean nuclear issue in the latest fifth round of Six-
Party talks (Beijing, December 18-22, 2006) should not
have come as a total surprise to the international
community, given the new complexities brought about to
the situation by Pyongyang’s missile launches (July
2006) and the first nuclear weapon test (October
9,2006), firmly pointing towards the inevitability of
prolonged further negotiations from now on to find a
final solution to the thorny question.
Banks' Commitment to Enhance Farm
Loans and Micro Credit
- by
Dr. Amrit Patel
With a view to giving a boost to the
process of farm sector development &
micro-credit program Government of
India & Reserve Bank of India have
very aptly crystalized certain
specific policy prescriptions during
the year 2006-07 & directed the
banking system to put in concerted
efforts so as to accelerate the flow
of credit to agricultural sector &
clients of micro-credit program &
achieve expected results.
Indian PM Visit to Japan
- by
Mr. D. S. Rajan
Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh will pay an
official visit to Japan from December 13 –16, 2006. The
visit is taking place at a time when significant changes
have occurred both in Japan-India ties and the
geopolitics on East Asia.
Study of Hu's Visit to India & Pak
- by
Mr. D. S. Rajan
The joint statements issued at the end of Hu Jintao’s
visit to India and Pakistan afford an opportunity to
assess the extant policy of the People’s Republic of
China (PRC) towards South Asia and more particularly
India and Pakistan.
Beijing's Arunachal
- by
Mr. D. S. Rajan
The visit to India of President Hu Jintao of the
People’s Republic of China (PRC) begins on November 20,
2006. The PRC Ambassador Sun Yuxi’s statement at New
Delhi at such a juncture that the entire state of
Arunachal Pradesh including Tawang is Chinese territory
(November 13,2006), has prima-facie been serious enough
to warrant a prompt high level Indian rebuttal next day,
with the External Affairs Minister, Pranab Mukherjee
saying that the state is an ‘integral’ part of India.
Agricultural Financing: Need for Risk Management
- by
Dr. Amrit Patel
Despite the fact that Indian Agriculture has made rapid
strides in increasing its production of wheat, rice,
cotton, sugar cane, fruits, vegetables and milk
productivity of crops per hectare and milk per lactation
has been low as compared to other countries as well as
in the world [Table No.1].
Sri Lanka - The End Game of the Unending Conflict
- by
Mr. S. Gopal
Predictably, the so-called peace talks (a description
that neither the Sri Lankan Government (SLG) nor the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are willing to
accept) at Geneva, failed.
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme Making Panchayat Raj Institutions Effective
Dr. Amrit Patel
The United Progressive
Alliance (UPA) Government has fulfilled one promise that
is part of its National Common Minimum Program (CMP).
The Bill on National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NEGS)
seeks to provide guaranteed employment to one member of
every rural household for at least 100 days a year for a
minimum wage of Rs.60 per day.
City Modern Hues
Soumya Sitaraman
of Bangalore
Soumya Sitaraman
writes about celebrating Navaratri in South India and
some childhood memories.
mould of Hope
Chaturthi is here. A simple old-fashioned clay image is
all I seek: the kind my father always bought. The brown
unassuming image appeals to me still, standing out with
quiet presence among all the flashy replicas. The clay
Ganesha is stately, elegant, bearing the quiet dignity
of its earthy message: a forming of opportunity from
nascent ideas says Soumya Sitaraman.
Pearl in Murky Waters
you happen to be in Mumbai, footloose and fancy free,
with a mind to ferret out the little known details of
history waiting to be noticed, buried in the confusion
of the bursting city, make a trip to Parel village to
see the the Siva Heptad–Yes, the name ‘village’
still exists, and those living in Mumbai will guide you
By Maithreya Sitaraman
Down an Heritage
brings back hard evidence to show that full-grown trees
are being cut at the Kanha national park while the
authorities make themselves scarce.
Sale to Pakistan in US National Interest
The US is arming
Pakistan to fight its own anti-terror battles, but it
could well ignite trouble between India and Pakistan,
the Tiger Trail
drives deep into the Kanha forest and falls in love with
royalty of the striped variety
Communist Threat is Forgotten, Not Gone
History tells us
that at least 53 million people have died of communist
atrocities the world over. A bloodbath is inevitable if
Nepal is left to its own struggles between the
monarchists and the Maoists, warns ERIC KOO PENG KUAN
of Shiva in Ancient India
Ancient Indian
literature and iconography represent Shiva both as a
malevolent and a benevolent god. Shiva is both giver and
destroyer, explains ROHITHA EASWER
to Stare
introduces young readers to the joys of star gazing
Logic in Having an N-Missile
Pakistan has just
test-fired another nuclear missile. An analysis by ERIC
for Coffee?
visits an estate-turned-resort, and is charmed by the
sights and sounds of Karnataka's coffee district
a Major Pollution Zone
A study in the US
has found high pollution levels over much of India, and
a concentrated pool of particles over Bihar, reports PRAKASH
US, China and India
A partnership with
India, by whatever name, could provide America a way to
offset the surge in China's geo-political and economic
power, writes RAM NARAYANAN
the Scoffing at Hinduism?
Why is Sri Jayendra
Saraswati being persecuted? Is it because his disciples
don't take out violent marches and destroy public
property? USHA KRIS urges President Abdul Kalam
to step in and save him from further torment
against Seer: Court's Ire
In its judgment in
the Suryalaxmi Cotton Mills death case, the Andhra High
Court took critical note of the 'besmirching' of the
Kanchi seer's name, and felt the time had come to
discourage indiscriminate proceedings in the name of
public interest litigation. Here, in full, is what the
judgment says
Task on Pak Anti-Terror Drive
The US senate has
tasked the CIA to prepare reports on Pakistan's efforts
to curb Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and
to fight terrorism.
Coup Shows US Hypocrisy
Nepal has no oil
reserves, and does not play a significant role in
international trade. That explains the indifference of
the US to King Gyanendra's coup, says ERIC KOO PENG
Style Democracy in Iraq
Millions of Iraqis
have braved bullets to cast their vote. Iraq is a
multi-ethnic country, and its best bet is an
Indian-style federal system where every group gets a
fair opportunity to further its aspirations, says ERIC
from Stampede Avoidable
Law-abiding people
in crowds feel safely anonymous and turn aggressive.
Governments and religious leaders must learn to avert
stampedes of the Satara kind, says ERIC KOO PENG KUAN
Tad Murthy Speaks
Tad Murty,
internationally-renowned oceanographer and tsunami
expert, is keen on setting up a warning facility in
India. He explains its dimensions to PRAKASH M SWAMY
Look East Policy
Post-Cold War, India
has an improved interest in South East Asia. India has
to compete against a formidable rival, China, on many
fronts. ERIC KOO PENG KUAN analyses what factors
make the Look East Policy important to India, the
response of South East Asia towards India’s new
economic engagement, and what advantages India can gain
over China in competing for the attention of South East
Asia in economic co-operation.
Donates $10 m for College
Paila Malla Reddy
had to contend with vested interests before his free
college could take shape. For children of illiterate
farm workers, college education is now a dream within
reach, reports PRAKASH M SWAMY
Protest in New York
Hindu groups
demonstrated on a biting winter day and said the Kanchi
seer's detention was part of a larger plan to destroy
Hinduism, PRAKASH M SWAMY reports.
Devotee's Appeal
If the middle class
hesitates to come out on the streets and protest, the
Acharya will continue to languish in prison.
of Hinduism
History is replete
with stories of great saints and prophets being
tormented and tortured. Why does truth prevail only
after it is crushed, wonders SUNIL FOTEDAR
11 turned out like Sept 11
NRI organizations
across the United States, outraged by Sri Jayendra
Saraswati's arrest and incarceration, are doing their
bit to stand by an acharya they hold in high esteem. A
round-up by PRAKASH M SWAMY.
Perfect, Stately and Tall
If ever a temple was
built to make a statement, this is it. The magnificence
of the Rajarajeswaram temple, named after Raja Raja
Chola in Tanjavur, has remained undiminished over the
centuries, says USHA KRIS.